What is CrossMap ?

CrossMap is a program for genome coordinates conversion between different assemblies (such as hg18 (NCBI36) <=> hg19 (GRCh37)). It supports commonly used file formats including BAM, CRAM, SAM, Wiggle, BigWig, BED, GFF, GTF, MAF VCF, and gVCF.

How CrossMap works?

alternate text

Release history

07/17/2024: Release version 0.7.3

  1. Fix bugs for VCF (and gVCF) liftover. For variants with multiple ALT alleles, remove the ALT allele that is the same as the REF allele.

05/09/2024: Release version 0.7.2

  1. Fix bugs for VCF (and gVCF) liftover. When insertion/deletion variants were mapped to the reverse region of the target assembly, their REF alleles need to update.

# Input VCF (header was not shown)
# These are hg19/GRCh37 based varants. They will map to the reverse region on hg38/GRCh38
chr7    61879851        rs1223781306    A       AC      .       .       .
chr1    145382743       rs782203468     G       GA      .       .       .
chr1    144852392       indel.6062      AC      A       .       .       .
chr1    145698920       indel.6189      TGCTTGGGGTGCTTACG       T       .       .       .

# Output (Note their REF alleles were different from input)
chr7    62217710        rs1223781306    T       TG      .       .       .
chr1    146052257       rs782203468     C       CT      .       .       .
chr1    149032049       indel.6062      GG      G       .       .       .
chr1    145736150       indel.6189      CCGTAAGCACCCCAAGC       C       .       .       .

01/11/2024: Release version 0.7.0

  1. Fix bugs for VCF varaints liftover.

  2. Handle non-DNA ALT alleles such as <DEL>

  3. Use pyproject.toml to replace “setup.py”.


From v0.7.0 onwards, the main program CrossMap.py is now renamed to CrossMap due to the restriction on using “.” in the script name in the “pyproject.toml” file. To ensure compatibility with the previous pipelines, please include the following line in your ~/.bashrc file.

alias CrossMap.py='CrossMap'

07/21/2023: Release version 0.6.4

  1. Fix bug when the sequence in BAM file is represented as “*”

  2. Change code style

07/12/2022: Release version 0.6.4

  1. Fix bug when the input bigwig file does not have coverage signal for some chromosomes.

  2. When the input VCF file does not have CONTIG field, use long chromosome ID (e.g., “chr1”) as default.

03/04/2022: Release version 0.6.3

  1. Fix bug in v0.6.2. “Alternative allele is empty”

02/22/2022: Release version 0.6.2

  1. For insertions and deletions, the first nucleotide of the ALT allele (the 5th field in VCF file) is updated to the nucleotide at POS of the reference genome

11/29/2021: Release version 0.6.1

  1. Same as v0.6.0. Remove unused modules from the lib folder.

11/16/2021: Release version 0.6.0

  1. Use argparse instead of optparse.

  2. Use os.path.getmtime instead of os.path.getctime to check the timestamps of fasta file and its index file.

  3. Add ‘–unmap-file’ option to CrossMap.py bed command.

4/16/2021: Release version 0.5.3/0.5.4

Add CrossMap.py viewchain to convert chain file into block-to-block, more readable format.

12/08/2020: Release version 0.5.2

Add ‘–no-comp-alleles’ flag to CrossMap.py vcf and CrossMap.py gvcf. If set, CrossMap does not check if the “reference allele” is different from the “alternative allele”.

08/19/2020: Release version 0.5.1

In CrossMap.py region: keep additional columns (columns after the 3rd column) of the original BED file after conversion.

08/14/2020: Release version 0.5.0

Add CrossMap.py region function to convert large genomic regions. Unlike the CrossMap.py bed function, which splits big genomic regions, CrossMap.py region tries to convert the big genomic region as a whole.

07/09/2020: Release version 0.4.3

Structural Variants VCF files often use INFO/END field to indicate the end of a deletion. v0.4.3 updates “END” coordinate in the INFO field.

05/04/2020: Release version 0.4.2

Support GVCF file conversion.

03/24/2020: Release version 0.4.1

Deal with consecutive TABs in the input MAF file.

10/09/2019: Release version 0.3.8

The University of California holds the copyrights in the UCSC chain files. As requested by UCSC, all UCSC-generated chain files will be permanently removed from this website and the CrossMap distributions.

07/22/2019: Release version 0.3.6

  1. Support MAF (mutation annotation format).

  2. Fix error “TypeError: AlignmentHeader does not support item assignment (use header.to_dict()” when lifting over BAM files. User does not need to downgrade pysam to 0.13.0 to lift over BAM files.

04/01/2019: Release version 0.3.4

Fix bugs when chromosome IDs (of the source genome) in chain file do not have ‘chr’ prefix (such as “GRCh37ToHg19.over.chain.gz”). This version also allows CrossMap to detect if a VCF mapping was inverted, and if so, reverse complements the alternative allele (Thanks to Andrew Yates). Improve wording.

01/07/2019: Release version 0.3.3

Version 0.3.3 is exactly the same as Version 0.3.2. The reason to release this version is that CrossMap-0.3.2.tar.gz was broken when uploading to pypi.

12/14/18: Release version 0.3.2

Fix the key error problem (e.g KeyError: “sequence ‘b’7_KI270803v1_alt’’ not present”). This error happens when a locus from the original assembly is mapped to an “alternative”, “unplaced” or “unlocalized” contig in the target assembly, and this “target contig” does not exist in your target_ref.fa. In version 0.3.2, such loci will be silently skipped and saved to the “.unmap” file.

11/05/18: Release version 0.3.0

  1. v0.3.0 or newer will Support Python3. Previous versions support Python2.7.*

  2. add pyBigWig as a dependency.


Install from PyPI

pip3 install CrossMap

Install from GitHub

pip3 install git+https://github.com/liguowang/CrossMap.git


pip3 install CrossMap --upgrade

Input and Output

Chain file

A chain file describes a pairwise alignment between two reference assemblies. UCSC and Ensembl chain files are available:

UCSC chain files

Ensembl chain files

User Input file

CrossMap supports the following file formats.

  1. BAM, CRAM, or SAM

  2. BED or BED-like. (BED file must have at least ‘chrom’, ‘start’, ‘end’)

  3. Wiggle (“variableStep”, “fixedStep” and “bedGraph” formats are supported)

  4. BigWig

  5. GFF or GTF

  6. VCF

  7. GVCF

  8. MAF

Output file

The format of output files depends on the input




BED (Genome coordinates will be updated)


BAM (Genome coordinates, header section, all SAM flags, insert size will be updated)


BAM (require pysam >= 0.8.2)


SAM (Genome coordinates, header section, all SAM flags, insert size will be updated)






GFF (Genome coordinates will be updated to the target assembly)


GTF (Genome coordinates will be updated to the target assembly)


VCF (header section, Genome coordinates, reference alleles will be updated)


GVCF (header section, Genome coordinates, reference alleles will be updated)


MAF (Genome coordinates and reference alleles will be updated)


Run CrossMap -h or CrossMap --help print help message

$ CrossMap -h

usage: CrossMap [-h] [-v]
                {bed,bam,gff,wig,bigwig,vcf,gvcf,maf,region,viewchain} ...

CrossMap (v0.7.3) is a program to convert (liftover) genome coordinates
between different reference assemblies (e.g., from human GRCh37/hg19 to
GRCh38/hg38 or vice versa). Supported file formats: BAM, BED, BigWig, CRAM,
GFF, GTF, GVCF, MAF (mutation annotation format), SAM, Wiggle, and VCF.

positional arguments:
                        sub-command help
    bed                 converts BED, bedGraph or other BED-like files. Only
                        genome coordinates (i.e., the first 3 columns) will be
                        updated. Regions mapped to multiple locations to the
                        new assembly will be split. Use the "region" command
                        to liftover large genomic regions. Use the "wig"
                        command if you need bedGraph/bigWig output.
    bam                 converts BAM, CRAM, or SAM format file. Genome
                        coordinates, header section, all SAM flags, insert
                        size will be updated.
    gff                 converts GFF or GTF format file. Genome coordinates
                        will be updated.
    wig                 converts Wiggle or bedGraph format file. Genome
                        coordinates will be updated.
    bigwig              converts BigWig file. Genome coordinates will be
    vcf                 converts VCF file. Genome coordinates, header section,
                        reference alleles will be updated.
    gvcf                converts GVCF file. Genome coordinates, header
                        section, reference alleles will be updated.
    maf                 converts MAF (mutation annotation format) file. Genome
                        coordinates and reference alleles will be updated.
    region              converts big genomic regions (in BED format) such as
                        CNV blocks. Genome coordinates will be updated.
    viewchain           prints out the content of a chain file into a human
                        readable, block-to-block format.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit


Convert BED format files

A BED (Browser Extensible Data) file is a tab-delimited text file describing genome regions or gene annotations. It consists of one line per feature, each containing 3-12 columns. CrossMap converts BED files with less than 12 columns to a different assembly by updating the chromosome and genome coordinates only; all other columns remain unchanged. Regions from the old assembly mapping to multiple locations to the new assembly will be split. For 12-columns BED files, all columns will be updated accordingly except the 4th column (name of bed line), 5th column (score value), and 9th column (RGB value describing the display color). 12-column BED files usually define multiple blocks (e.g., exons); if any of the exons fails to map to a new assembly, the whole BED line is skipped.

The input BED file can be plain text file, compressed file with extension of .gz, .Z, .z, .bz, .bz2 and .bzip2, or even a URL pointing to accessible remote files (http://, https:// and ftp://). Compressed remote files are not supported. The output is a BED format file with exactly the same number of columns as the original one.

Standard BED format has 12 columns, but CrossMap also supports BED-like formats:

  • BED3: The first three columns (“chrom”, “start”, “end”) of the BED format file.

  • BED6: The first six columns (“chrom”, “start”, “end”, “name”, “score”, “strand”) of the BED format file.

  • Other: Format has at least three columns (“chrom”, “start”, “end”) and no more than 12 columns. All other columns are arbitrary.


  1. For BED-like formats mentioned above, CrossMap only updates the “chrom”, “start”, “end”, and “strand” columns. All other columns will be kept AS-IS.

  2. Lines starting with ‘#’, ‘browser’, ‘track’ will be skipped.

  3. Lines less than three columns will be skipped.

  4. The 2nd and 3rd columns must be integers.

  5. The “+” strand is assumed if no strand information is found.

  6. For standard BED format (12 columns). If any of the defined exon blocks cannot be uniquely mapped to target assembly, the whole entry will be skipped.

  7. The “input_chain_file” and “input_bed_file” can be regular or compressed (.gz, .Z, .z, .bz, .bz2, .bzip2) file, local file or URL (http://, https://, ftp://) pointing to remote file.

  8. If the output_file is not specified, results will be printed to screen (console). In this case, the original bed entries (including entries failed to convert) were also printed out.

  9. If the input region cannot be consecutively mapped to the target assembly, it will be split.

  10. The *.unmap file contains regions that cannot be unambiguously converted.

Typing CrossMap bed -h will print help message:

$ CrossMap bed  -h
usage: CrossMap bed [-h] [--chromid {a,s,l}] [--unmap-file UNMAP_FILE]
                    input.chain input.bed [out_bed]

positional arguments:
  input.chain           Chain file
                        describes pairwise alignments between two genomes. The
                        input chain file can be a plain text file or
                        compressed (.gz, .Z, .z, .bz, .bz2, .bzip2) file.
  input.bed             The input BED file. The first 3 columns must be
                        “chrom”, “start”, and “end”. The input BED file can be
                        plain text file, compressed file with extension of
                        .gz, .Z, .z, .bz, .bz2 and .bzip2, or even a URL
                        pointing to accessible remote files (http://, https://
                        and ftp://). Compressed remote files are not
  out_bed               Output BED file. if argument is missing, CrossMap will
                        write BED file to the STDOUT.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --chromid {a,s,l}     The style of chromosome IDs. "a" = "as-is"; "l" =
                        "long style" (eg. "chr1", "chrX"); "s" = "short style"
                        (eg. "1", "X").
  --unmap-file UNMAP_FILE
                        file to save unmapped entries. This will be ignored if
                        [out_bed] was not provided.

Example 1

run CrossMap bed with no output file. Results were printed to screen.

$cat Test1.hg19.bed

chr1   65886334    66103176
chr3    112251353   112280810
chr5    54408798    54469005
chr7    107204401   107218968

$ CrossMap bed GRCh37_to_GRCh38.chain.gz Test1.hg19.bed

2024-01-12 08:36:35 [INFO]  Read the chain file "GRCh37_to_GRCh38.chain.gz"
chr1   65886334    66103176    ->  chr1    65420651    65637493
chr3   112251353   112280810   ->  chr3    112532506   112561963
chr5   54408798    54469005    ->  chr5    55112970    55173177
chr7   107204401   107218968   ->  chr7    107563956   107578523


The first 3 columns are hg19-based coordinates. The last 3 columns are hg38-based coordinates.

Example 2

run CrossMap bed with output file specified. Results (genomic coordinates after liftover) were saved to the file “output.hg38”

$ CrossMap bed GRCh37_to_GRCh38.chain.gz Test1.hg19.bed output.hg38
2024-01-12 08:35:56 [INFO]  Read the chain file "GRCh37_to_GRCh38.chain.gz"

$ cat output.hg38
chr1    65420651    65637493
chr3    112532506   112561963
chr5    55112970    55173177
chr7    107563956   107578523


Genomic intervals failed to map will be saved to file “output.hg38.unmap”.

Example 3

Input regions will be split if they cannot map consecutively to the target assembly.

$ cat Test2.hg19.bed
chr20  21106623    21227258
chr22  30792929    30821291

$ CrossMap bed GRCh37_to_GRCh38.chain.gz Test2.hg19.bed
2024-01-12 08:53:10 [INFO]  Read the chain file "GRCh37_to_GRCh38.chain.gz"
chr20  21106623    21227258    (split.1:chr20:21106623:21144549:+) chr20   21125982    21163908
chr20  21106623    21227258    (split.2:chr20:21144549:21176014:+) chr20   21163909    21195374
chr20  21106623    21227258    (split.3:chr20:21176014:21186161:+) chr20   21195375    21205522
chr20  21106623    21227258    (split.4:chr20:21186161:21227258:+) chr20   21205523    21246620
chr22  30792929    30821291    (split.1:chr22:30792929:30819612:+) chr22   30396940    30423623
chr22  30792929    30821291    (split.2:chr22:30819615:30821291:+) chr22   30423627    30425303


The first 3 columns are hg19-based coordinates. The last 3 columns are hg38-based coordinates.

Example 4

BedGraph format file can be converted using either CrossMap bed or CrossMap wig; however, the output formats are different:

  • When using CrossMap bed command to convert a bedGraph file, the output is a bedGraph file.

  • When using CrossMap wig command to convert a bedGraph file, the output is a bigWig file.

$ head -3 Test3.hg19.bgr
chrX   2705083 2705158 1.0
chrX    2813094 2813169 0.9
chrX    2813169 2814363 0.1

$ CrossMap bed hg19ToHg38.over.chain.gz Test3.hg19.bgr
2024-01-12 09:05:05 [INFO]  Read the chain file "GRCh37_to_GRCh38.chain.gz
chrX    2705083 2705158 1.0 ->  chrX    2787042 2787117 1.0
chrX    2813094 2813169 0.9 ->  chrX    2895053 2895128 0.9
chrX    2813169 2814363 0.1 ->  chrX    2895128 2896322 0.1

$ CrossMap wig  GRCh37_to_GRCh38.chain.gz  Test3.hg19.bgr output.hg38
2024-01-12 09:09:52 [INFO]  Read the chain file "GRCh37_to_GRCh38.chain.gz"
2024-01-12 09:09:52 [INFO]  Liftover wiggle file "Test3.hg19.bgr" to bedGraph file "output.hg38.bgr"
2024-01-12 09:09:52 [INFO]  Merging overlapped entries in bedGraph file
2024-01-12 09:09:52 [INFO]  Sorting bedGraph file: output.hg38.bgr
2024-01-12 09:09:52 [INFO]  Writing header to "output.hg38.bw" ...
2024-01-12 09:09:52 [INFO]  Writing entries to "output.hg38.bw" ...

Example 5

Use CrossMap region command to convert large genomic regions (such as CNV blocks) in BED format.

$ cat Test4.hg19.bed
chr2   239716679       243199373  # A large genomic interval of 3.48 Mb

If use the CrossMap bed command to liftover, this interval will be split 74 times.

$ CrossMap bed GRCh37_to_GRCh38.chain.gz Test4.hg19.bed
2024-01-12 09:12:45 [INFO]  Read the chain file "GRCh37_to_GRCh38.chain.gz"
chr2   239716679       243199373       (split.1:chr2:239716679:239801978:+)    chr2    238808038       238893337
chr2   239716679       243199373       (split.2:chr2:239831978:240205681:+)    chr2    238910282       239283985
chr2   239716679       243199373       (split.3:chr2:240205681:240319336:+)    chr2    239283986       239397641
... (split 74 times)

Use the CrossMap region command to liftover. By defualt r = 0.85.

$ CrossMap region GRCh37_to_GRCh38.chain.gz Test4.hg19.bed
2024-01-12 09:15:24 [INFO]  Read the chain file "GRCh37_to_GRCh38.chain.gz"
chr2    239716679   243199373   ->  chr2    238808038   242183529   map_ratio=0.9622

If we set r = 0.99, this region will fail.

$ CrossMap region GRCh37_to_GRCh38.chain.gz Test4.hg19.bed -r 0.99
2024-01-12 09:18:53 [INFO]  Read the chain file "GRCh37_to_GRCh38.chain.gz"
chr2    239716679   243199373   Fail    map_ratio=0.9622

Convert BAM/CRAM/SAM format files

SAM (Sequence Alignment Map) format is a generic format for storing sequencing alignments, and BAM is the binary and compressed version of SAM (Li et al., 2009). CRAM was designed to be an efficient reference-based alternative to the SAM and BAM file formats. Most high-throughput sequencing (HTS) alignments were in SAM/BAM format and many HTS analysis tools work with SAM/BAM format. CrossMap updates chromosomes, genome coordinates, header sections, and all SAM flags accordingly. CrossMap’s version number is inserted into the header section, along with the names of the original BAM file and the chain file. For pair-end sequencing, insert size is also recalculated. The input BAM file should be sorted and indexed properly using Samtools (Li et al., 2009). The output format is determined by the input format, and the BAM output will be sorted and indexed automatically.

Typing CrossMap bam -h will print help message:

$ CrossMap bam -h

usage: CrossMap bam [-h] [-m INSERT_SIZE] [-s INSERT_SIZE_STDEV]
                    [-t INSERT_SIZE_FOLD] [-a] [--chromid {a,s,l}]
                    input.chain input.bam [out_bam]

positional arguments:
  input.chain           Chain file
                        describes pairwise alignments between two genomes. The
                        input chain file can be a plain text file or
                        compressed (.gz, .Z, .z, .bz, .bz2, .bzip2) file.
  input.bam             Input BAM file (https://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.
  out_bam               Output BAM file. if argument is missing, CrossMap will
                        write BAM file to the STDOUT.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Average insert size of pair-end sequencing (bp).
                        Stanadard deviation of insert size.
                        A mapped pair is considered as "proper pair" if both
                        ends mapped to different strand and the distance
                        between them is less then '-t' * stdev from the mean.
  -a, --append-tags     Add tag to each alignment in BAM file. Tags for pair-
                        end alignments include: QF = QC failed, NN = both
                        read1 and read2 unmapped, NU = read1 unmapped, read2
                        unique mapped, NM = read1 unmapped, multiple mapped,
                        UN = read1 uniquely mapped, read2 unmap, UU = both
                        read1 and read2 uniquely mapped, UM = read1 uniquely
                        mapped, read2 multiple mapped, MN = read1 multiple
                        mapped, read2 unmapped, MU = read1 multiple mapped,
                        read2 unique mapped, MM = both read1 and read2
                        multiple mapped. Tags for single-end alignments
                        include: QF = QC failed, SN = unmaped, SM = multiple
                        mapped, SU = uniquely mapped.
  --chromid {a,s,l}     The style of chromosome IDs. "a" = "as-is"; "l" =
                        "long style" (eg. "chr1", "chrX"); "s" = "short style"
                        (eg. "1", "X").


$ CrossMap bam -a GRCh37_to_GRCh38.chain.gz Test5.hg19.bam output.hg38
Add tags: True
Insert size = 200.000000
Insert size stdev = 30.000000
Number of stdev from the mean = 3.000000
Add tags to each alignment = True
2024-01-12 09:29:11 [INFO]  Read the chain file "GRCh37_to_GRCh38.chain.gz"
[E::idx_find_and_load] Could not retrieve index file for 'Test5.hg19.bam'
2024-01-12 09:29:11 [INFO]  Liftover BAM file "Test5.hg19.bam" to "output.hg38.bam"
2024-01-12 09:29:15 [INFO]  Done!
2024-01-12 09:29:15 [INFO]  Sort "output.hg38.bam" and save as "output.hg38.sorted.bam"
2024-01-12 09:29:15 [INFO]  Index "output.hg38.sorted.bam" ...

Total alignments:99914
    QC failed: 0
    Paired-end reads:
        R1 unique, R2 unique (UU): 96035
        R1 unique, R2 unmapp (UN): 3638
        R1 unique, R2 multiple (UM): 0
        R1 multiple, R2 multiple (MM): 0
        R1 multiple, R2 unique (MU): 230
        R1 multiple, R2 unmapped (MN): 11
        R1 unmap, R2 unmap (NN): 0
        R1 unmap, R2 unique (NU): 0
        R1 unmap, R2 multiple (NM): 0

Optional tags:


QC. QC failed.


Unmapped. Originally unmapped or originally mapped but failed to lift over to new assembly.


Multiple mapped. Alignment can be lifted over to multiple places.


Unique mapped. Alignment can be lifted over to only 1 place.

Tags for pair-end sequencing include:

  • QF = QC failed

  • NN = both read1 and read2 unmapped

  • NU = read1 unmapped, read2 unique mapped

  • NM = read1 unmapped, multiple mapped

  • UN = read1 uniquely mapped, read2 unmap

  • UU = both read1 and read2 uniquely mapped

  • UM = read1 uniquely mapped, read2 multiple mapped

  • MN = read1 multiple mapped, read2 unmapped

  • MU = read1 multiple mapped, read2 unique mapped

  • MM = both read1 and read2 multiple mapped

Tags for single-end sequencing include:

  • QF = QC failed

  • SN = unmaped

  • SM = multiple mapped

  • SU = uniquely mapped


  1. All alignments (mapped, partial mapped, unmapped, QC failed) will write to one file. Users can filter them by tags.

  2. The header section will be updated to the target assembly.

  3. Genome coordinates and all SAM flags in the alignment section will be updated to the target assembly.

  4. If the input is a CRAM file, pysam version should >= 0.8.2

  5. Optional fields in the alignment section will not update.

Convert Wiggle format files

Wiggle (WIG) format is useful in displaying continuous data such as GC content and the reads intensity of high-throughput sequencing data. BigWig is a self-indexed binary-format Wiggle file and has the advantage of supporting random access. Input wiggle data can be in variableStep (for data with irregular intervals) or fixedStep (for data with regular intervals). Regardless of the input, the output files are always in bedGraph format.

Typing CrossMap wig -h will print help message:

$ CrossMap  wig -h

usage: CrossMap wig [-h] [--chromid {a,s,l}] input.chain input.wig out_wig

positional arguments:
  input.chain        Chain file
                     describes pairwise alignments between two genomes. The
                     input chain file can be a plain text file or compressed
                     (.gz, .Z, .z, .bz, .bz2, .bzip2) file.
  input.wig          The input wiggle/bedGraph format file
                     Both "variableStep" and "fixedStep" wiggle lines are
                     supported. The input wiggle/bedGraph file can be plain
                     text file, compressed file with extension of .gz, .Z, .z,
                     .bz, .bz2 and .bzip2, or even a URL pointing to
                     accessible remote files (http://, https:// and ftp://).
                     Compressed remote files are not supported.
  out_wig            Output bedGraph file. Regardless of the input is wiggle
                     or bedGraph, the output file is always in bedGraph

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --chromid {a,s,l}  The style of chromosome IDs. "a" = "as-is"; "l" = "long
                     style" (eg. "chr1", "chrX"); "s" = "short style" (eg.
                     "1", "X").


To improve performance, this script calls GNU “sort” command internally. If the “sort” command is not callable, CrossMap will exit.

Convert BigWig format files

If an input file is in BigWig format, the output is BigWig format if UCSC’s ‘wigToBigWig’ executable can be found; otherwise, the output file will be in bedGraph format.

Typing CrossMap bigwig -h will print help message.:

$ CrossMap bigwig -h

usage: CrossMap bigwig [-h] [--chromid {a,s,l}] input.chain input.bw output.bw

positional arguments:
  input.chain        Chain file
                     describes pairwise alignments between two genomes. The
                     input chain file can be a plain text file or compressed
                     (.gz, .Z, .z, .bz, .bz2, .bzip2) file.
  input.bw           The input bigWig format file
  output.bw          Output bigWig file.

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --chromid {a,s,l}  The style of chromosome IDs. "a" = "as-is"; "l" = "long
                     style" (eg. "chr1", "chrX"); "s" = "short style" (eg.
                     "1", "X").


$ CrossMap bigwig GRCh37_to_GRCh38.chain.gz Test6.hg19.bw output.hg38
2024-01-12 09:37:32 [INFO]  Read the chain file "GRCh37_to_GRCh38.chain.gz"
2024-01-12 09:37:33 [INFO]  Liftover bigwig file Test6.hg19.bw to bedGraph file output.hg38.bgr:
2024-01-12 09:37:33 [INFO]  Merging overlapped entries in bedGraph file
2024-01-12 09:37:33 [INFO]  Sorting bedGraph file: output.hg38.bgr
2024-01-12 09:37:33 [INFO]  Writing header to "output.hg38.bw" ...
2024-01-12 09:37:33 [INFO]  Writing entries to "output.hg38.bw" ...


To improve performance, this script calls GNU “sort” command internally. If “sort” command does not exist, CrossMap will exit.

Convert GFF/GTF format files

GFF (General Feature Format) is another plain text file used to describe gene structure. GTF (Gene Transfer Format) is a refined version of GTF. The first eight fields are the same as GFF. Plain text, compressed plain text, and URLs pointing to remote files are all supported. Only chromosome and genome coordinates are updated. The format of the output is determined from the input.

Typing CrossMap gff -h will print help message:

$ CrossMap  gff -h

usage: CrossMap gff [-h] [–chromid {a,s,l}] input.chain input.gff [out_gff]

positional arguments:
input.chain Chain file

(https://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/chain.html) describes pairwise alignments between two genomes. The input chain file can be a plain text file or compressed (.gz, .Z, .z, .bz, .bz2, .bzip2) file.

input.gff The input GFF (General Feature Format,

http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format3) or GTF (Gene Transfer Format, http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format4) file. The input GFF/GTF file can be plain text file, compressed file with extension of .gz, .Z, .z, .bz, .bz2 and .bzip2, or even a URL pointing to accessible remote files (http://, https:// and ftp://). Compressed remote files are not supported.

out_gff Output GFF/GTF file. if argument is missing, CrossMap

will write GFF/GTF file to the STDOUT.

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

–chromid {a,s,l} The style of chromosome IDs. “a” = “as-is”; “l” = “long

style” (eg. “chr1”, “chrX”); “s” = “short style” (eg. “1”, “X”).


$ CrossMap gff  GRCh37_to_GRCh38.chain.gz Test7.hg19.gtf output.hg38
2024-01-12 09:43:53 [INFO]  Read the chain file "GRCh37_to_GRCh38.chain.gz"


  1. Each feature (exon, intron, UTR, etc) is processed separately and independently, and we do NOT check if features originally belonging to the same gene were converted into the same gene.

  2. If a user wants to lift over gene annotation files, use BED12 format.

  3. If no output file was specified, the output will be printed to screen (console). In this case, items that failed to convert are also printed out.

Convert VCF format files

VCF (variant call format) is a flexible and extendable line-oriented text format developed by the 1000 Genome Project. It is useful for representing single nucleotide variants, indels, copy number variants, and structural variants. Chromosomes, coordinates, and reference alleles are updated to a new assembly, and all the other fields are not changed.

Typing CrossMap vcf -h will print help message:

$ CrossMap vcf -h

usage: CrossMap vcf [-h] [--chromid {a,s,l}] [--no-comp-alleles] [--compress]
                    input.chain input.vcf refgenome.fa out_vcf

positional arguments:
  input.chain        Chain file
                     describes pairwise alignments between two genomes. The
                     input chain file can be a plain text file or compressed
                     (.gz, .Z, .z, .bz, .bz2, .bzip2) file.
  input.vcf          Input VCF (variant call format,
                     https://samtools.github.io/hts-specs/VCFv4.2.pdf). The
                     VCF file can be plain text file, compressed file with
                     extension of .gz, .Z, .z, .bz, .bz2 and .bzip2, or even a
                     URL pointing to accessible remote files (http://,
                     https:// and ftp://). Compressed remote files are not
  refgenome.fa       Chromosome sequences of target assembly in FASTA
                     (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FASTA_format) format.
  out_vcf            Output VCF file.

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --chromid {a,s,l}  The style of chromosome IDs. "a" = "as-is"; "l" = "long
                     style" (eg. "chr1", "chrX"); "s" = "short style" (eg.
                     "1", "X").
  --no-comp-alleles  If set, CrossMap does NOT check if the reference allele
                     is different from the alternate allele.
  --compress         If set, compress the output VCF file by calling the
                     system "gzip".


  1. Genome coordinates and reference alleles will be updated to target assembly.

  2. The reference genome is the genome sequences of target assembly.

  3. If the reference genome sequence file (../database/genome/hg18.fa) was not indexed, CrossMap will automatically index it (only the first time you run CrossMap).

  4. Output files: output_file and output_file.unmap.

  5. In the output VCF file, whether the chromosome IDs contain “chr” or not depends on the format of the input VCF file.

Interpretation of Failed tags:

  • Fail(Multiple_hits) : This genomic location was mapped to two or more locations to the target assembly.

  • Fail(REF==ALT) : After liftover, the reference allele is the same as the alternative allele (i.e. this is NOT an SNP/variant after liftover). In version 0.5.2, this checking can be turned off by setting ‘–no-comp-alleles’.

  • Fail(Unmap) : Unable to map this location to the target assembly.

  • Fail(KeyError) : Unable to find the contig ID (or chromosome ID) from the reference genome sequence (of the target assembly).

Convert MAF format files

MAF (mutation annotation format) files are tab-delimited files that contain somatic and/or germline mutation annotations. Please do not confuse with the Multiple Alignment Format.

Typing CrossMap maf -h will print help message:

$ CrossMap  maf -h

usage: CrossMap maf [-h] [--chromid {a,s,l}]
                    input.chain input.maf refgenome.fa build_name out_maf

positional arguments:
  input.chain        Chain file
                     describes pairwise alignments between two genomes. The
                     input chain file can be a plain text file or compressed
                     (.gz, .Z, .z, .bz, .bz2, .bzip2) file.
  input.maf          Input MAF (https://docs.gdc.cancer.gov/Data/File_Formats/
                     MAF_Format/) format file. The MAF file can be plain text
                     file, compressed file with extension of .gz, .Z, .z, .bz,
                     .bz2 and .bzip2, or even a URL pointing to accessible
                     remote files (http://, https:// and ftp://). Compressed
                     remote files are not supported.
  refgenome.fa       Chromosome sequences of target assembly in FASTA
                     (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FASTA_format) format.
  build_name         the name of the *target_assembly* (eg "GRCh38").
  out_maf            Output MAF file.

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --chromid {a,s,l}  The style of chromosome IDs. "a" = "as-is"; "l" = "long
                     style" (eg. "chr1", "chrX"); "s" = "short style" (eg.
                     "1", "X").

Convert GVCF format files

GVCF file format is described in here.

Typing CrossMap gvcf -h will print help message:

$ CrossMap  gvcf -h

usage: CrossMap gvcf [-h] [--chromid {a,s,l}] [--no-comp-alleles] [--compress]
                     input.chain input.gvcf refgenome.fa out_gvcf

positional arguments:
  input.chain        Chain file
                     describes pairwise alignments between two genomes. The
                     input chain file can be a plain text file or compressed
                     (.gz, .Z, .z, .bz, .bz2, .bzip2) file.
  input.gvcf         Input gVCF (genomic variant call format,
                     https://samtools.github.io/hts-specs/VCFv4.2.pdf). The
                     gVCF file can be plain text file, compressed file with
                     extension of .gz, .Z, .z, .bz, .bz2 and .bzip2, or even a
                     URL pointing to accessible remote files (http://,
                     https:// and ftp://). Compressed remote files are not
  refgenome.fa       Chromosome sequences of target assembly in FASTA
                     (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FASTA_format) format.
  out_gvcf           Output gVCF file.

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --chromid {a,s,l}  The style of chromosome IDs. "a" = "as-is"; "l" = "long
                     style" (eg. "chr1", "chrX"); "s" = "short style" (eg.
                     "1", "X").
  --no-comp-alleles  If set, CrossMap does NOT check if the reference allele
                     is different from the alternate allele.
  --compress         If set, compress the output VCF file by calling the
                     system "gzip".

Convert large genomic regions

For large genomic regions such as CNV blocks, the CrossMap bed will split each large region into smaller blocks that are 100% matched to the target assembly. CrossMap region will NOT split large regions, instead, it will calculate the map ratio (i.e. {bases mapped to target genome} / {total bases in query region}). If the map ratio is larger than the threshold specified by -r, the coordinates will be converted to the target genome, otherwise, it fails.

Typing CrossMap region -h will print help message:

usage: CrossMap region [-h] [--chromid {a,s,l}] [-r MIN_MAP_RATIO]
                       input.chain input.bed [out_bed]

positional arguments:
  input.chain           Chain file
                        describes pairwise alignments between two genomes. The
                        input chain file can be a plain text file or
                        compressed (.gz, .Z, .z, .bz, .bz2, .bzip2) file.
  input.bed             The input BED file. The first 3 columns must be
                        “chrom”, “start”, and “end”. The input BED file can be
                        plain text file, compressed file with extension of
                        .gz, .Z, .z, .bz, .bz2 and .bzip2, or even a URL
                        pointing to accessible remote files (http://, https://
                        and ftp://). Compressed remote files are not
  out_bed               Output BED file. if argument is missing, CrossMap will
                        write BED file to the STDOUT.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --chromid {a,s,l}     The style of chromosome IDs. "a" = "as-is"; "l" =
                        "long style" (eg. "chr1", "chrX"); "s" = "short style"
                        (eg. "1", "X").
                        Minimum ratio of bases that must remap.


  1. Input BED file should have at least 3 columns (chrom, start, end). Additional columns will be kept as is.

View chain file

Typing CrossMap viewchain -h will print help message:

usage: CrossMap viewchain [-h] input.chain

positional arguments:
  input.chain  Chain file (https://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/chain.html)
               describes pairwise alignments between two genomes. The input
               chain file can be a plain text file or compressed (.gz, .Z, .z,
               .bz, .bz2, .bzip2) file.

  -h, --help   show this help message and exit


$ CrossMap viewchain GRCh37_to_GRCh38.chain.gz >chain.tab
$ head chain.tab
1  10000 177417   +  1  10000 177417   +
1  227417   267719   +  1  257666   297968   +
1  317719   471368   +  1  347968   501617   -
1  521368   1566075  +  1  585988   1630695  +
1  1566075  1569784  +  1  1630696  1634405  +
1  1569784  1570918  +  1  1634408  1635542  +
1  1570918  1570922  +  1  1635546  1635550  +
1  1570922  1574299  +  1  1635560  1638937  +
1  1574299  1583669  +  1  1638938  1648308  +
1  1583669  1583878  +  1  1648309  1648518  +

Compare to UCSC liftover tool

To assess the accuracy of CrossMap, we randomly generated 10,000 genome intervals (download from here) with the fixed interval size of 200 bp from hg19. Then we converted them into hg18 using CrossMap and UCSC liftover tool with default configurations. We compare CrossMap to UCSC liftover tool because it is the most widely used tool to convert genome coordinates.

CrossMap failed to convert 613 intervals, and the UCSC liftover tool failed to convert 614 intervals. All failed intervals are exactly the same except for one region (chr2 90542908 90543108). UCSC failed to convert it because this region needs to be split twice:

Original (hg19)

Split (hg19)

Target (hg18)

chr2 90542908 90543108 -

chr2 90542908 90542933 -

chr2 89906445 89906470 -

chr2 90542908 90543108 -

chr2 90542933 90543001 -

chr2 87414583 87414651 -

chr2 90542908 90543108 -

chr2 90543010 90543108 -

chr2 87414276 87414374 -

For genome intervals that were successfully converted to hg18, the start and end coordinates are exactly the same between UCSC conversion and CrossMap conversion.



Zhao, H., Sun, Z., Wang, J., Huang, H., Kocher, J.-P., & Wang, L. (2013). CrossMap: a versatile tool for coordinate conversion between genome assemblies. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England), btt730


CrossMap is distributed under GNU General Public License

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA


  • Wang.Liguo AT mayo.edu